Conveniently Located in North Knoxville
If you have a navigation screen in your car, enter 6611 Jim Sterchi Road, Knoxville, TN 37918 and it will take you right to us.
If you are coming from North of Knoxville, take the Callahan Drive Exit on I-75 (exit 110 - the second exit north of I-640), then turn right. At the next intersection, Callahan Drive changes names to DANTE Road. Follow it all the way until the stop sign by the Health Department at the T-intersection. Turn left and go a half mile to Jim Sterchi Road (you will see the Evans Gate neighborhood sign on the left - turn Right on Jim Sterchi Road and we are the first commercial building on the left with the flag pole in front.

If you are coming from South Knoxville, take the Merchant Drive Exit on I-75 (exit 108 - the first exit off I-640), then turn right. At the next intersection, turn left on Central Avenue Pike. Follow it up the hill past the Fire Station and the hotels and turn right on Dry Gap. It will curve to the right and left and then across from the entrance to the Church at Sterchi Hills, turn left onto Jim Sterchi Road. (Be careful, as there is a one-lane bridge over a stream with a large tree right beside the road soon after you turn onto our street. and we are the last commercial building on the right after the farm-style buildings.