We Repair American Cars

We Service and Repair American Cars and Trucks From a Few Years Old to a Few Decades Old!

Of course, we service modern American cars. Naturally, newer cars have integrated computer controls and state of the art electronic systems that can impact the functioning of the vehicles. We regularly troubleshoot and repair modern American cars such as the one shown in the image here. If you are having trouble with your American car, you will be well served to bring it to us to identify and repair the problems you are encountering.


Naturally, we also service modern American trucks, as well. Many of these, such as the one shown in the image below, may be powered by diesel engines. Regardless of the drive train, we can help you troubleshoot your truck and repair the problems you are encountering.

We Even Service, Repair and Restore American Cars That Are Decades Old!

Perhaps you noticed the decades old GMC pickup that we have on the hydralic lift in the image at the top of this page. The black sedan in the same picture is more than six decades old, but you would never know that to look at the body, perfectly restored or the new drive train. The Corvette in the picture is around five decades old and also has just been renewed with a new powerful 454 engine under the L88 hood, as well as the new paint and interior work. The Firebird shown in the image below is one of our most recent restomods, with a powerful new 400 cubic inch engine, flawless paint, and an interior that certainly does not look like a car that is more than five decades old. Whether your drive train needs repairing or replacing, we are here for you.


Let Boatman Automotive Restoration and Repair be there when you need us the most!

To find out more about what we can do to help you and your family members, email us at support@boatmanautomotive.com or call 865-748-2424.